Manga artist Hiro Mashima, best known for his Weekly Shonen Jump series Fairy Tail, has illustrated promotional posters for the Japanese theatrical release of Captain America: Civil War.

According to Anime News Network, C.B. Cebulski, Marvel’s vice president of international business development and brand management, requested Mashima to work on the anime-inspired posters, as Cebulski was a big fan of his work. Similarly, Mashima is a big fan of the Avenger series.

Captain America: Civil War premiered last Friday in Japan; a large-scale poster was made for the release and attendees received a miniature poster for opening night. The miniature poster is different from the larger one, as it’s a parody of the film with the characters from Fairy Tails.

 The North American theatrical release for Captain America: Civil Way is May 6, 2016. An advance review of the film is up at NerdSpan.