Oni Press has released a twelve page preview of Cullen Bunn and Brian Hurtt’s Damned: Volume 1: “Three Days Dead.”

This new original graphic novel arrives March 8th, 2017.

Official preview:

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(W) Cullen Bunn
(A/CA) Brian Hurtt
(C) Bill Crabtree
Diamond Code: NOV161703
Final Order Cutoff: 2/13/2017
On Sale: 3/8/2017
Genre: Horror, Crime
Age Range: 16 and up
Price: $9.99
152 Pages

During prohibition, gangsters grew rich on our vices, and rivalries between criminal organizations resulted in open war. But unknown to the masses, a more sinister power controlled the crime cartels, using greed, gluttony, lust and other sins to fuel a more lucrative trade: mortal souls. Enter Eddie, a mortal who lost his soul long ago. Caught in the middle of competing demonic families, any other human would’ve gotten the ax long ago. But Eddie’s got a special talent that keeps him on his feet. One man’s curse is another man’s gift.

THE DAMNED: THREE DAYS DEAD will be available to order throughDiamond, Ingram, and Baker & Taylor. This trade paperback kicks-off the start of the new ongoing series, with The Damned #1 in comic shops in May 2017!

Follow the creative team on Twitter!
Cullen Bunn @cullenbunn
Brian Hurtt @brihurtt
Bill Crabtree @crabtree_bill

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