Welcome once again to yet another edition of Bonus Stage! Bonus Stage is your regular dose of gaming goodness, where we bring you the finest game inspired art, videos , cosplay, music and more! If you’ve created or found something you’d like to see featured in Bonus Stage drop me a line via twitter: @misterchristor, or drop a comment down below and maybe it will feature in a future instalment. In Bonus Stage this time: it’s a Halloween Special!
This Silent Hill Nurse cosplay will give you the willies. It’s almost too good. *shudder*. See more pics at Geek X Girls
Brilliant Resident Evil 3 fanart from Cuson.
More creepy cosplay, this time inspired by Fatal Frame/Project Zero
This Ico Pumpkin is just one of the many awesome gaming pumpkins carved by the super-talented Ceemdee
Resident Evil- How It should have ended.
Much less scary, but no less excellent Cosplay, this time from Capcom’s Darkstalkers.
Mario and friends turned into zombies by artist Marko Saari.
As always, time to end on some music- this time a kick-ass version of the Resident Evil 3 closing music. Don’t have nightmares!