Announcing Nerdspan’s Graphic Novel Roundtable!
Greetings, Nerdspan Nation! MMorse here, asking all of you ravenous readers out there to set your calendars for March 29th! What happens on March 29th, you ask? What a wonderfully astute question! You are a keen and intelligent (and dare we say attractive) individual! March 29th brings the dazzling debut of Nerdspan’s Graphic Novel Roundtable where, each month, our gang of gregarious guys and gals will discuss a graphic novel selection with the pugnacious poise and panache you’ve come to expect from the site. Our inaugural selection is Hope Larson’s New York Times Bestselling adaptation of Madeline L’Engle’s A Wrinkle In Time.
Joe Grunenwald reviewed it for the site back in January, and Larson’s adaptation seems like the perfect choice to jumpstart this little group of ours given its literary pedigree, its narrative depth, its all-ages accessibility, and its surprising (and welcome) popularity with the reading public. Haven’t read it? Why not pick it up, give it a shot, and join us back here on MARCH 29th to see what we have to say about it?
In the meantime…
If you’d like to offer up questions or suggestions on future selections for our team of tenaciously terrific typers you’re welcomed and encouraged to do so. Send your thoughts and suggestions to and tune in on Friday, March 29th as we discuss A Wrinkle In Time. We’ll hope to see you there! Until then, keep practicin’ your tesseractin’ and thanks, sincerely, for reading.