ACE OF SHADES is a YA fantasy novel, dual-narrated by Enne Salta, an innocent yet sassy schoolgirl, and Levi Glaisyer, a decidedly guilty gang boss. The story is told in third person, past tense, with alternating chapters between the two main characters. While Enne was a reliable narrator, Levi definitely was not, and his chapters kept a lot of secrets from the readers until the very end.
The world of ACE OF SHADES reminds me of a 1920s New York meets Las Vegas, but with real magic. There are gambling dens, bars, and street gangs that are so well known there’s a guide book dedicated to telling tourists where to go and where not to. It’s a wonderful touch to the world building and I enjoyed that tiny aspect of the story.
Enne’s character is amazing. She’s snarky, sassy, and yet insecure about her place in the world, having always been second best to the other girls in her class. And when her mother goes missing, she uses her summer break to travel to the City of Sin in order to find her, knowing in the back of her mind that she’s most likely dead. She’s got grit and determination, even in the face of such adversity.

Ace of Shades by Amanda Foody
Levi is also snarky, but less sassy than Enne. He’s a POC and bisexual main character, which was refreshing to see in a YA novel, something we definitely need more of in the world! His driving force is repaying a rival gang boss and the lengths he’ll go to achieve that, even so far as helping an outsider, Enne, in the search for her mother–only because he needs the money. What neither of them expect is to grow fond of each other, or to depend entirely on the other for their survival.
While Ace of Shades is the first book I’ve read from Amanda Foody, it certainly won’t be the last. I already own her debut, Daughter of the Burning City, and it’s definitely moved up my to-be-read pile after reading Ace of Shades. I loved the story, the intrigue and mystery of Enne’s missing mother, and the stakes–or what they both stand to lose–if either Enne or Levi don’t trust the other.
I would absolutely recommend Ace of Shades to anyone who enjoys heist stories, magic, a diverse cast, and YA fantasy with mystery elements to it. Head to your local bookseller or library and grab a copy today.