Stories about the relationship between fathers and sons are not new, but After Earth tries to put a new spin on the tale by setting the story 1000 years into the future. Starring Will Smith and his son, Jaden, After Earth wastes a lot of resources on a convoluted backstory and a predictable plot.
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What went wrong with John Carter? How could a film with an alleged $250M budget, from a behemoth like Disney Studios and the director of Finding Nemo, misfire so badly that it’s name has become synonymous with failure and the follies of Hollywood?
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Louis Leterrier’s first film since 2010’s Clash of the Titans is an odd choice for the director, attempting to put magic tricks, drama and intrigue ahead of the action that …
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Unless your name is Rip Van Winkle or you’ve been sleeping in a coffin the past few years and know nothing of vampires, Dracula will be very familiar to you. There are stakes, holy water, extreme and acute anemia, and perhaps surprising to a few of you: no sparkles.
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It’s Tavis vs. Abby in the Iron Artists’ art-off! And, per the “standards” set by the creators, Mike Krahulik and Jerry Holkins, we’re privy to another Ramsey-esque round of heckling. You’ve got to admit that this aspect is the closest we’ve come to what television calls reality TV nowadays. Except it’s far funnier and not intentionally hurtful or insane.
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While this graphic novel is a rapid retelling of a video game, Lucas did feel it was important enough to include in his saga! Script writer Haden Blackman provides the reader with a lightning-paced page turner that provides the framework for the Rebellion. Featured are Senator Bail Organa, Captain Juno Eclipse and a shape-shifting assassin droid simply called Proxy.
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Technology is as old as the first tool and stories are as old as speech, but the first science fiction novel is Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein. Written in 1818, it is the classic which spawned a Golden Age of science fiction literature and monster movies.
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“Quick & Consistent” makes a very good point about what purchasing something from the artists means to the fans. For the artists, it’s one of perhaps thousands of …
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When a film involves events that would seem more at home in a comic book, the style of the film has a big bearing on how it plays out. Going with the ‘found footage’ style brings an inherent danger with it, will be too much of distraction? Will it be messy and hard to know whats going on? Or will be a superbly crafted, intelligent and excellent film – lucky for us, it is the latter
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Welcome to Bonus Stage: stage 16! Bonus Stage is your regular dose of gaming goodness, where we bring you the finest game inspired art, videos , cosplay, music and more! This time : Mario, Street Fighter, Borderlands and more
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In first issues, we expect to be wowed, but historically shooting for the wow can be a bad investment, as sizzle can fizzle in a few issues time and …
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Last week’s brilliant black and white noir episode brought panache and style along with an amazing duo of guest stars. It also brought Artie back into active, if reckless duty…. This week, we return to our regular agent pairings and Las Vegas versus New England cases for our favorite artifact finders.
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